Mehdi Azar Yazdi, the pioneer writer of children's literature passed away on 9 July 2009 after a long period of illness and hospitalization. He was embraced by mother earth; the children in Iran can now run and play on his grave and read life joyfully through his books. This was his only wish; with his love for children of his country he read and wrote so that they experience a better world. Mehdi Azar Yazdi was always a friend and supporter of the "Research Institute for History of Children's Literature". Notably his donation to the Institute of a priceless lithography collection of books related to the literature of Maktab Khaneh, as a valuable part of national heritage of Iranian children, has enriched and contributed to the research on history of children's literature. Let us hope that his love for culture and literature of children of Iran will be recognized by children today and in future.