Armineh Ghazarian, a former educator, has donated her collection of toys from the 1940s and 50s to the Institute for Research on the History of Children's Literature in Iran and its planned future Museum of Children’s Culture and Literature.
The institute’s researchers have been working on childhood studies and the plan for the museum over the past several years. To implement these projects, there has to be a search for, and identification of, all the items that portray children’s lives throughout history.
Mrs. Ghazarian’s generous donation not only provides the institute’s researchers a new supply of material to study, it provides an opportunity to exhibit materials that were a part of the lives of Iranian children.
Each of the items donated to this museum are recorded and photographed, and until a physical museum is established, the Institute for Research on the History of Children's Literature in Iran will display the museum’s collection in a virtual museum on a website in the near future.
The Institute thanks Mrs. Ghazarian for her generous donation.