Noushafarin Ansari, Secretary of Children's Book Council of Iran (CBCI), together with Zohreh Ghaeni and Mohammad Hadi Mohammady, authors and directors of Research Institute for History of Children's Literature, visited the Majlis Library on 20 January 2010 They met with Mr. Rasool Jafarian, Director, other officials and the librarians.
The Research Institute for History of Children's Literature has initiated a research project on Childhood Studies after close to fifteen years of research and finalizing 10 and publishing 7 volumes of the History of Children's Literature in Iran. The Institute in conducting the historical research projects has always benefited from the resources available at Majlis Library. In this visit the Institute requested access to sections of manuscripts, lithographs as well as other services such as repair and restoration of old books provided at Majlis Library.
Noushafarin Ansari, who is supporter of research schemes on history of children's literature, encouraged further co-operation and exchange of information between the Institute and the librarians at Majlis Library. Mr. Jafarian subsequently asked his staff to assist the Institute and the researchers accordingly.
*Iranian Parliament