On Wednesday the 24th of July we had a conversation with Madeline Baghdarsarian, one of the first graduates of experimental college school project in 70s. She recaptures it as a boring course.
This course has no achievements for her and her peers. She taught in different Armenian Middle Schools for years in Tehran after this teacher training course. She talked about the genius and smart children who have been abandoned to developing and flourishing by the rough educational system of Iran. She talks about her efforts in participating children in group discussions and workgroup activities and holding drama sessions and motivating the taste of research in children. She believes that the new ways of learning and teaching should be the main objective of the educational system.
We visited the Soufik Aivazian’s hand-made dolls in archbishop Ardak Monokian Museum. This small museum is one of the research and cultural center in recognizing, introducing the religious and cultural heritage of Armenian conventions. Roban Avagian has dedicated more than 200 mother’s hand-made dolls wearing different nations’ clothes. These dolls have been keenly made which represents the Iranian woman taste of art. Soufik
Aivazian was born in 1918 and died in 1996 in Tehran. This collection has been dedicated to Monokian Museum for the public show after some years. In the corner of the museum there exists the work of Ema Abrahamian named “the First Step”. Her works are some emotional statues or sculptures with the title of Mother & Child made up of mud and plaster with a symbolic notion.
This figure has been dedicated to Kooshesh Kindergarten 41 years ago on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of this nursery school. Kooshesh Nursery School has been established in 1942 with the direction of Elbis Kovanian (Farahian). This nursery School is still running in Tehran after 71 years.