In line with the research project on the life of Jabar Baghcheban and his achievements in education for the deaf in Iran- and on the occasion of the sixtieth year of the organizational efforts made for the well being of the deaf - a ceremony was held on Wednesday 12 November in the Abfay Cultural & Sports Institute in Tehran.
The ceremony was organized by the family of Reza Gholy Shahidy, one of the oldest pupils of Baghcheban. Ms Mandana Razavizadhe from Institute for Research on the History of Children's Literature participated in the ceremony.
A considerable group from the deaf community and activists from the deaf organizations participated in the ceremony where the focus of the program was on information sharing on the past activities and introducing the founders. In the program references were made to the formation of the first non-governmental organizations for the deaf, as well as a play was staged in sign language referring to the social difficulties faced by the deaf.
At the end representatives of the Sports Federation for the Deaf, The Society of the Deaf, Family Association of the Deaf, Youth Council of the Deaf expressed their gratitude to Mr. Rezagholi Shahidi as the first founder of organizations for the deaf.
He in turn thanked the organizations by presenting them with plucks and encouraged them to work in unity and cooperation.
Jabbar Baghcheban (1886-1966), is one of the first children’s book writers, poets and founders of deaf education in Iran.