Patricia Aldana, co-chair of the National Reading Campaign in Canada and former head of the International Board on Books for Children and Young Adults (IBBY), visited The Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature in Iran in September during her travel to Iran.
Ms. Aldana was briefed on activities and different projects of the institute. Ms. Aldana, a leading international figure in book-reading promotion in the world, praised the programs of the institute.
She was also given an insight into Ketabak, Iranak (The Database For Children's Culture and Literature of Iran(DCLI) and the virtual museum of Iranian children’s history and culture), Childhood Study project, Child-centerd Creative Education and Read With Me Project (Institute’s Reading Promotion Project). Ms Aldana delivered lectures in Children and Young Adults Librarian House and the Children Book Council during her visit to Iran.
Ms Aldan, who is an active member of the national and international organizations, headed of IBBY from 2006 till 2010. She played a key role in book-reading, especially the quality books, with the launch of IBBY’s Children in Crisis Fund. The fund has been active in regions such as Lebanon, Gaza and Colombia.
The purpose of the fund is the therapeutic use of the book for the children whose lives have been disrupted by war or natural disaster.
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Monava Khalaj