21st to 24th April, 2009 – Mashhad - Iran
The Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature had an active presence in National symposium of School Libraries; that started end of April, 2009.
The syposium was held by Educational Sciences & Psychology faculties of Ferdosi University in Mashhad, Iranian Library & Information Science Association (Khorasan branch) and Ministry of Education.
Following articles were presented in the congress:
“ Virtual Space: Interaction between Librarians, Teachers & Promoters on reading promotion” by Mrs. Farzaneh Taheri – Head of library of The Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature – and Ms. Nasim Movahedipour – Member of Ketabak Librarianship Committee.
“A brief history of school Libraries in Iran” by Ms. Mandana Razavizadeh – member of the Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature.
The institute had a booth in this symposium to introduce Iranak: data bank & Ketabak : reading promotion project to all visitors including teachers, librarians, students and experts.
During the syposium, the IRHCLI experts visited several schools in Mashhad and presented “Creative Education” project; furthermore a workshop was held for group of librarians of Institute For The Intellectual Development Of Children And Young Adults on 22nd April in Mashhad , and Ketabak & Iranak Database were introduced during the workshop.