UNESCO’s third international training workshop on Memory of the World with the subject of Audio and Visual Inheritance has been held on 17 to 19 January 2010 at the Iranian National Library in Tehran.
Workshop trainers are the Regional Head of Asia and Oceania for the “Memory of the World Program”, the Head of the Audio Visual Archive Society of South-East Asia and Oceania, and the Deputy, National Archives of South Africa.
A considerable part of the memory of the people in the world is kept in the libraries, museums, archives or places where they are at risk of destruction. Many other documented inheritances are destroyed due to war and related disasters. In view of this in 1992 UNESCO launched the “Memory of the World Program” to register, maintain and introduce the documented inheritance of the people of the world. In the third workshop held this year more than 60 specialists from major library and archive centers from Zimbabwe, Australia, Turkey, the Philippines, Azerbaijan and Ghirgizistan will participate, along with Iranian experts.
In the past decade the Research Institute for History of Children's Literature has made efforts to find, prepare, save and organize the existing written and audio visual sources in the area of history of children's and young adult's literature, from ancient to present time. In view of this experience directors of the Institute found it essential for two staff specialists to participate in this workshop. The participants are Farzaneh Taheri, Supervisor of the library and data bank on children's literature and culture (Iranak Bank) and Mandana Razavyzadeh, Supervisor of the search group. The objective is to obtain information on new experiences and prepare the grounds for future co-operation between the Institute and the national and international organizations, in the area of identifying and restoring the national memory.