The Children's Book Council of Iran holds workshops with specific themes on children's literature, every Monday throughout the year. On Monday November 2nd 2009, the workshop theme was the history of children's literature. Zohreh Ghaeni spoke about the "Concept of childhood and children's literature throughout history". Ms Ghaeni is the Director of "Research Institute for History of Children's Literature" and one of the two authors of 10 volumes of the "History of Children's Literature in Iran".
First the short film made by the Institute, "A passage in the history of children's literature", was shown. Then the following issues were raised: "Has the concept of childhood changed throughout history?"; "During which historical period the childhood institution was formed in the society?" In response to the questions and with the help of a slide show, the concept and place of childhood in ancient, traditional and modern societies were discussed and reviewed. Ms Ghaeni then referred to the valuable work of the researchers at the Institute in collecting documents related to periods of childhood, as well as books, old toys, clothes, school books, etc. She praised the researchers for their efforts not only in collecting the items, but for documenting and making the information accessible for others through Iranak Bank, the data bank for children's culture and literature; and ultimately encouraging other researchers to continue their work in similar historical research.
At the end some participants volunteered to scan and provide old family photos, toys and parents' school books to be Institute, to be kept and exhibited at the future children's museum, under their family names.